Cheldan Cares
Joining the Marine Toys for Tots Goal
The Marine Toys for Tots program helps to spread the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America's economically disadvantaged children through the gift of a new toy.
Their mission is to collect new unwrapped toys and distribute those toys to economically disadvantaged children at Christmas.
Since 2001 the Marine Toys for Tots has ranked as one of the top-rated charities by "Philanthropy 400". In addition, they continue to meet all 20 standards established by the Better Business Bureau WiseGiving Alliance.
One of their program services is Collection and Toy Distribution. Their process through this service is to obtain and deliver toys to local Toys for Tots Coordinators and provide the support and assistance those Coordinators need to conduct effective toy collection and distribution campaigns in their communities. The Toy Collection includes a combination of locally donated toys, those purchases by the Foundation, and by those donated by corporations.
Cheldan Homes is proud to have been a part of this process by registering both our Arbor Oaks and Trail Creek Model Homes as a donation drop site for toys. We are extremely thankful to the amazing Cheldan Homes Buyers that stepped up and helped us achieve filling up the donation boxes at both model homes. We are grateful to have been able to help spread joy to many children in need on Christmas Day. Cheldan Homes believes that every child deserves to experience the magic of Christmas regardless of their situation, which is why we joined the Marine Toys for Tots in their mission and plan to keep doing so each year.